mac最好用的文本编辑工具Sublime Text 4.0 Build 4143 macOS中文版

mac最好用的文本编辑工具Sublime Text 4.0 Build 4143 macOS中文版

Sublime Text 下载是一个用于代码、标记和散文的复杂文本编辑器。您会喜欢它流畅的用户界面、非凡的功能和惊人的性能。Sublime Text 是一款速度超快且功能丰富的文本和开发编辑器。如果您打算定期编写代码,那么您想试试这个出色的编辑器 (IDE)。

遵循一些使 Sublime Text中文版 从其他代码编辑器中脱颖而出的强大功能:

复古模式:Vim 键盘快捷键将像在原始 Vim 编辑器中一样工作。要使用它们,您需要做的就是启用复古模式。
插件集合:一个非常活跃的社区为 Sublime Text 中的几乎所有任务创建了插件。这包括大量语言的语法突出显示和代码片段,例如 javascript、PHP、CSS、HTML、Python、LESS、XML 和 C++ 等等。



Sublime Text 4.0 Build 4143 macOS

Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You’ll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance.Sublime Text is a super fast and feature packed text and development editor. If you are going to be coding regularly you want to try this amazing editor (IDE).

Following some of the great features that make Sublime Text stand out from other code editors:

  • Multiple cursors: Once you have discovered multiple cursors you won’t want to work without them anymore. As the name suggests they let you write or edit in multiple places in a document at the same time.
  • Vintage mode: Vim keyboard shortcuts will work just like in the original Vim editor. To use them, all you need to do is to enable vintage mode.
  • Lightning fast: This is the fastest code editor you will find right now.
  • Command pallet: A great feature that allows you to reach about all functions of the editor via the keyboard. You will hardly use your mouse and thus code more efficiently.
  • Plugin collection: A hugely active community creates plugins for almost any task in Sublime Text. This includes syntax highlighting and code snippets for a large number of languages, for example jаvascript, PHP, CSS, HTML, Python, LESS, XML and C++ to name just a few.
  • Package control: This add-on let’s you install plugins within seconds directly from the editor.

NOTE License in the Extra folder

Compatibility: OS X 10.9 or later (Apple M1 compatible)







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